Monday, February 23, 2009

Boy: "Memmmber? Member da truck?"
Me: The firetruck you were driving at the pizza place?
Boy: No. (Totally staccato followed promptly by) Meemmmmber? Da truck da music, I heard it.
Me: Oh, ya, the truck it went vrooom vrooom... ? ***losing a tad bit of confidence. maybe I don't
Boy: No. Member da music da truck I heard it Icecream truck.
Me: *lightbulb* Oh, YA!! I remember the icecream truck!! Did you hear it?
Boy: No.

Boy: Member Cramma?
Daddy: Gramma?
Boy: No. Member at church? Cramma?
Daddy: Was Gramma at church? Did you see Gramma? (She was NOT there, by the way)
Boy: No. Meeeemmmmber? Da yight, the cramma, at church?
Daddy: ***Ding Ding Ding**** Yes, I remember!!! The camera at the church today!!

In other news, baby girl got her first hair trim this weekend!! I can't believe how improved she looks after cleaning up a few stragglies!! I did it myself too, so even though half the time I have no earthly idea what my son is talking about, I at least know I can trim a headfull of baby hair.

Lastly, I am working on cotton crochet sponges..I am actually really excited about them. I have been using them for washing dishes and am very impressed with their effectiveness. My only problem is they are not super duper attractive...I am thinking about naming them Ugly Scrubbies. I will let you know how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love baby talk!

    I want to see your ugly scrubbies!!! How neat!
