Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm THAT mom

Unbelievable. You would think for teaching as long as I did, carefully observing what I WOULD NOT be like as a parent as long as I did, but here I stand, head hung low in shame, drawing circles in the sand with the toe of my shoe...I admit, I have a problem: I have become, unbeknownst to me, extraordinarily attatched to my baby. And what is worse? I blame it all on her.

G got up early yesterday morning to get ready to head for church. He holds rehearsal for about an hour and a half before service. I usually attend the 11:00 service since the kids wake at different times every day. I took my shower shortly after he left and got myself ready. Soon afterward, the children were awake, I got them fed and dressed and were pretty much ready by the time first service started. I thought I would get us out the door to run a couple errands. After a short bought with choking and gagging on a pretzel and nearly ruining his shirt (my son),and my babe spitting up all over her jacket and pants, we were out the door. (It is no easy task to get three people ready!!

We gassed up the truck, drove by my parent's house, and then headed to church, half an hour early. The whole way there, I kept talking to my son about his class. He seemed very excited to go...then he would call out the instrument playing on the radio. (He's awesome like that.) Baby girl was in the best of moods...singing and practicing her "baba, mama, dada" mad skills. Got there, enjoyed a few cookies...(well my children did, I am being good...and that is another entry in and of itself) and finally, church service number one was dismissed. We headed against the flow of people making there exodous out the two glass doors, struggling past coats and purses and people who think it is a good idea to start visiting right in the middle of an aisle. Little man loooooves to watch the drummer play and he was fixated on him the entire time I am walking them to the front of the building. (I must put a side note that I think the best thing about being a musician's family is that the kids are not scared of the band, and that they don't think it is too loud!) I plopped them down front and center and they just took in the sights and sounds of the groove.

Little man had a little bit of a hard time when Daddy checked him into his class, but nothing of note, I kept little lady with me. She loves the music, and will either sing and squeal when I am singing, or like yesterday, blow raspberries the whole time. We sit down to hear the message, and she lets out the loudest screech, then starts fussin' like it was her job. I promptly take her to the nursery and set her on the floor to play with blocks. She LOVES throwing building blocks around so she started tearin' it up with the blocks and watching the other little girls. I snuck out and back to my seat. All the while, telling the nursery worker, "She is really attached, I'll be back if she has a hard time."

Two minutes later, I think I hear her cry so I am at the window, peeking in. Nope, she is still happily tossing blocks. I sit down. I do hear her cry. I'm up at the window, she's crying...a nursery worker picks her up...she's not crying. I sit down...She's screaming, I'm at the nursery door...The nursery worker is now reading her a story. I go back to sit down and I think, well I might as well just stand at the window. I'm standing...I'm peeking...she sees me, she's screaming, she's crying, she's distracted, she remembers and she's crying. I'm in that room faster than you can say...."Momma's got a problem." I ended up staying with her in the nursery for the rest of the service...and she, moved on to tossing other nursery items. My husband peeked his head in the nursery about two minutes into me being in there and told me our son was having a meltdown in his class, so little man ended up in the nursery with me too.

I can't help it. I can't sit there and pretend everything is fine while my babes are screaming bloody murder in their respective classes. I don't know how the mother of the little boy who was screaming for like 15 whole minutes in the nursery did it. They have me wrapped around their little fingers...and I kinda don't mind.

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